Sunday, May 18, 2008

im baaaaaaack!

me and my sister recently went to kings dominion in VA. dude, they got this new standing coaster thing, which was AWESOME! lizzi kept picking on me though because i get scared of heights when i look up instead of down, so she was always like, "jen, look up!" and i'm very gullable [is that how you spell it?] so i kept looking up! she seems to think its hilarious. i also got this SWEET peach yogurt thats so good. but i dont think i have any left. oh well.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

best concert ever! (and im sick :[)

i havent really had much to post about, so sorry for not.....
who went to see paramore? I DID! it was AWESOME! jimmy eat world was there too, and they were pretty good. well, im sick right now, so im not at school at the moment...but i think its allergies, but who knows. all i know is that i keep coughing so hackin bad. i might have to see this this dude who puts patches all over you then peels them off a few days later to see if you have allergies. lalalalala. finally, FINALLY, meh email is working! yaay! so go ahead, send away.