Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Plastic Lemon With a Punch

In Senora Petruncio's 2a Spanish 1 class, we were learning about fruit. She had each of us stand up, hold a fruit, and say it's name in Spanish. I got pear, so i stood up and said, "la pera." When I sat down, she called on a kid in meh class, Blake Baylor, and made him the lemon. Sice she was too far away to hand him the lemon, she called, "Catch, Baylor!" and tossed him the lemon. Poor Blake got hit in the head, and surprisingly, he said it hurt. I mean, come on, it's a plastic lemon. And our teacher claims to lift weights every morining, so she was like, "hah! i told yooh i had muscles!" [we all make fun of her that she lifts a whole 8.5 pounds every day] so blake went to the nurse. when he came back, he he and ice pack and a pretty big bump on his head. it ws really funny. which is surprising, since spanis ish usually boring.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

New Screen Name!

I gots a new screen name guys! so now instead of bannanaz55, its now YummehGummehBear! add meh, IM meh, and do other stuffs with meh. so now yooh know that. well, not much ish happening in the trewhella household. we gots new wood floors. they're ugly. we should have stuck with carpeting. i like to eat. byesh.

Friday, February 15, 2008

happy [belated] valentine's day!

well, i wasnt on yesterday, so i couldnt post this. i was bored, so i just wanted to post a v-day thing . yeah. i got cookies, a pink penguin, and two boxes of those little candy heart thingers. i also managed to grab a pack of princess gummies [dont ask] from meh neighor's pantry, so i had some of those to eat. meh valentine's day was pretty much full of eating! ^.^ oh and i got a little grahm cracker. thankies, travis. soooo yooh can comment this and tell me what yooh got from yoohr bf or gf whichever one yooh have. byesh!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

the super-short half day

our school had this half-day today. we got out at noon, so out classes were cut short [yes, less algebra! ^_^] but some of the buses were late, including meh bus. it was about 35 minutes late. me and lizzi were supposed to go to our neighbor's house, but when we got there, they were jumping us with questions like "where were you? what took you so long? we were worried! what happened to the bus?" we managed to tell them we were fine, so the worriness went away. yep, that's what happened today.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

new song

ohkay guys, guess what? i put a new song on meh little bear music player. ya know what it's about? gummy bears! yesh, this song is call "i am a gummy bear" by crazyfrog. i figured, since i lub gummy bears, i should put eet on meh page. its the 2nd song, right after "miss murder" by AFI. i hope yooh enjoy it. go gummy bears! ^__^

Saturday, February 9, 2008

so bored

im sooooo bored.......zzzzzzzz........ there's nothing to blog about.

i feel like making some smiley thingers.

:) :( ;) :0 ^.^ >.< :D xD Dx D: =/ 8O) )O8 v.v T_T ^__^ ^-^ =] :] ]: =[ :/ X/ =O =3 :3 C: :C xP :p =P 8P

ohkay im bored of that.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

introducing:the latest technology in texting.

i was bored in industrial tech [wood shop] today. we were on the computers, so meh friend travis, he drew these lines so they spelled the word 'hi'. we did that the whole class. it was kinda like texting, but with drawing lines on the computer. i also just found out that when i was at cross-country practice, i saw him every day there. he was like "do yooh remember seeing some guy running with a trombone? [he's in band] Then i remebered seeing him walking by the football field while we were warming up. it was so creepy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

confirmation party

as all yooh catholics know, when yooh are in 8th grade, yooh get confirmed. well, me and meh sister are both getting confirmed this year [yaay!] and we're having a confirmation parteh. today we were trying to find entertainment fer the parteh. soo a bunch of these doods we invited said, "hey, we're in a band. maybe we can play fer yooh guys." so lizzi said ok. we dont even know what they're called! and she only know one of the guys [some kid named seth she's obsessed with that she invited] from the band. i was like "how do yooh know if they're even coming to the parteh??" she said, "well, at least we got a band to play." sigh.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

new music!

hey evwybodee i added more songs to that cutee little green bear music player. LISTEN TOO THEM! [dont worry, i made sure i picked ones that dont cuss ^.^ kaylee]

School Drama (a short story of whats happening in 8th grade)

One day, three buddies, Caitlin, Kimmy, and Jen [me!] got their lunches and found a place to sit. So they were sitting, and talking and eating with the other girls at the table. Until Angelina, one of the girls, says something to one of the guys at the table as a joke. All the girls laughed. Then Isaac, one of the guys at the other table, said to Caitlin, "Hey Caitlin, why the h*** are you dating a n*****?" [he cusses a lot in school] This made Caitlin mad. Because Isaac wan't joking around when he said that. So Sam, one pf Caitilns friends, punched Isaac in the back of his head in line. Yay, Sam!

This all really did happen.

Monday, February 4, 2008

school again xP

ugh. school again. i hate school, but doesnt every kid? only this time ish a 2 hour delay, so i have time to post. yaay! ^.^ wow, this ish keweler than i thought. this morning, i woke up, and i went to meh table, and it turns out meh sister, lizzi, left her bottle of moutntain dew on meh table without teh coaster i gave her! if she ruins meh new table, im gonna sue her til she buys meh a new one! oh well. i thwew it back in her room. whaat, she thwow things to, so i should be able thwow it back, right? oh well. off to school [if we even have it] byesh!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

about this blog

ohkay guys, this ish meh first blog, so if it's bad, ill change it later. first, yooh should know a little about me. im jen. i is 13. im nice when yooh get to know meh. i often talk like a 5 year old. if yooh got a problem with it, oh well. imma treat this pretty much like meh diary, without getting too personal. i lub gummy bears! thats it.

today was kinda boring, yet really fun. it was the superbowl, and lots of the neighbors came over. we played with meh family's wii, ate a lot, and just hung out. life is good. hah we played guitar hero 3! i ish the champion! yaay! except fer i cant beat slash on medium [ i alweady beat easy].
well imma go to bed nighteh night ebwybodeh!!!


Okayy, I ISH JEN